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In north London you will find within the London Borough of Barnet the postcode areas of N2, N3 and N22 known as Finchley with its large Finchley Common and medieval Great North Road and historic parish church of St Mary’s dating back to the 13th century.

Whether you are looking for residential property in North or East Finchley or anywhere within the London Borough of Barnet then a call to Survey Quotes friendly Building Surveyors is a must.  WHY? Our Independent Surveyors are experts in property matters and can provide a comprehensive survey report on the property whether you are looking at purchasing or renting we can help save you money.

A structural survey will explain any property issues prior to your committing to purchase so that you are fully aware of any costs or property problems in order to make an informed decision whether to buy or rent or not.

A survey can save you money as you will be able to negotiate the market value for the property with the knowledge of any property issues and how much these will cost to have repaired.  Our surveys look at the property from chimney to foundation and our Surveyors look at the exterior and interior of the roof where possible to give advice and expertise on the property you are looking to buy or rent.

Call us today for a swift response as we understand how important a purchase a property purchase is and how essential it is to be fully informed by an Independent Surveyor not one that is working for the mortgage lender or vendor.  We have your interests at heart and only yours so you can trust our property experts and feel reassured that you have been fully informed of any issues and can even meet your Surveyor at the property, which we highly recommend, to talk through any concerns or plans for the property.

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”Napoleon Bonaparte